Monday, September 14, 2015


While I was away drowning myself in Logistics notes, I took a few study breaks in the forms of movies. 

First off, I want to apologize for not keeping good on my promise. But in my defense I just took a huge test that will decide whether I graduate from college, and my computer had a virus which wouldn't let me open up Google Chrome, or Firefox.

Austenland was one of the most surprisingly good movies I've seen in a while. For a big Jane Austen fan like me, it was just what the doctor called for. It was cute, romantic, and surprisingly hilarious. All of the characters were played well, and there were a couple of twists that even I didn't see coming. You think you see it, and then BAM you were wrong.

Don't miss out on this gem. And does someone know if that "I <3 Darcy" bag is actually for sale? Because I totally wouldn't buy it. I'm serious. I wouldn't.

Yes I would.

It's been real!

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