Friday, January 15, 2016

Diagnosing OBD: Obsessive Book Disorder

Hi, my name is Heather, and I suffer from a problem known to many people but not yet named. I'll call it OBD for the sake of this post.

But, what is OBD?
OBD is when a person becomes OBSESSED with reading and all things related. This could include, but is not limited to reading, taking reading quizzes, watching book trailer videos, and writing reviews for said books.

You might have OBD if you:
-Stay up until the wee hours of the morning to finish a book
-Talk about a really good book you read with friends and family
-Talk about the books you are reading with friends and family (this could include taking snapshots, pictures, etc. of said book)
-Have an account on a book type website to keep track of the books you've read
-Buy stickers, shirts, buttons, bookmarks, etc. from your favorite series
-Are a Harry Potter fan

OBD is sweeping across the United States and multitudes of other countries, and cannot be cured currently. The only way to help alleviate the pain of the condition is to give in to your symptoms and read away. Some say that you can only stay up until 2 in the morning to finish your book. Maybe try three or five am.

You can do it.

-It's been mostly real.

P.s. I chose 5 a.m. for a reason. If you've never read In A Dark, Dark Wood, you are missing out. The ending/middleish picks up pace faster than you're prepared for. And I'm a pretty slow reader, so I decided to risk my mental health and sanity for the next day and finish that spectacular book.
So I did.

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