Monday, January 21, 2019

We Hope For Better Things


We Hope For Better Things follows three different protagonists set in three different time periods: Mary in the 1800s, Nora in the 1960s, and Elizabeth in present-day Michigan. Elizabeth is a journalist and while researching the Detroit Riots in the 1960s, she comes to learn about the other two women and about the past.

This book was amazing. It was amazing because it shined a light on racism that we don't see as often. A lot of the time racism is seen as something only present in the south, or only present during "that time period" but truly racism has been around for ages and is still around today. Racism knows no geographical boundaries, and although it may morph to look a little different (slavery vs. police shootings) it still is abundant. We Hope For Better Things is told from the perspective of three different white women who all feel the effects differently. 

We Hope For Better Things is a unique book, but also brilliantly written. The writing is very easy to read, if not sometimes graphic (and difficult to digest). The characters all feel as if they were real people who decided to combine their memoirs into one book. And although the book deals with a difficult subject matter, the author keeps you wanting to know more about what happened in each of the women's lives, and at the end provides hope for the future.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking to read a book that provides hope, but also a book that will provide insight into race culture and the Detroit riots in the sixties.

*I received this book from the publisher, Revell, and Bookishfirst in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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