by: Carol Wyer
Publication Date: 5/30/2017
And another great crime fiction novel under the belt.
Secrets of the Dead follows Detective Inspector Robyn Carter as she investigates a series of heinous murders that may or may not be related. She and her team have to work hard and frankly, against the clock to make sure no one else in Lichfield get hurt. And to make matters worse, they also have to work against the media who is overhyping all of their cases and scaring the public.
Honestly, after I found out this was the second book in the series, I was not expecting much out of it. I thought, "sure it sounded cool, and the title really makes it sound good, but this is going to be a bust for sure."
I was completely and utterly wrong.
After the first chapter or two, I was completely entranced and I wanted to read and read and read it. I just had to know who the killer(s) was/were, and I wanted to know how it was all going to play out even after they caught the bad guy(s).
In a way, Carol Wyer wrote the book so well, that the reader feels as if they are helping to solve the crime. There are tons of clues left behind (but not at the crime scene), and there are tons of suspects. And I just caught myself yelling at the detectives when they had their suspicions cast to the wrong person. To be honest, I felt like a fool.
"No, what are you doing? Don't you remember back in 'X' chapter that the character did 'X' differently?"
That was me, over and over.
And maybe I could have figured out the killer(s), but I was so interested in the writing style and finding out what happened to every single character, that I didn't want to stop and think, and put the clues together. I just wanted to keep reading and reading and reading and reading.
Honestly, by the end of the book, I fell in love with Robyn as a character. She's so well-rounded, and she really is a good role model for any woman reading. She's single, loves a daughter that isn't hers, is willing to put her life on the job, cares about her team, and yet she still has flaws. She makes mistakes, and she sometimes has a temper with her coworkers *ahem Tom ahem*. But in the end, she's still a strong female character through and through.
All in all, Secrets of the Dead is a well written murder mystery that will keep you up (reading) at night, and will keep you captivated until the very end.
** I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley and the publisher, but this in no way effected my opinions on the book.
***Can we talk about the Letter from Carol? I think I literally died reading that.
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