Ever Alice follows fifteen year old Alice after her first time to Wonderland...but she’s in a mad house.
Wonderland and the story in general (both the original and the retelling) are both so mad, that at times the whole story feels like a dream. The author does such a good job at crafting a story that could truly fit alongside the original tale but is still unique enough to be its own. It’s humorous, and witty, and I really enjoyed reading about all of the old characters, and meeting new characters.
I found the story did drag a little bit, and the beginning was difficult to get into. There was also a bit of romance, that I wasn’t a fan of, but overall it wasn’t really present enough to be a problem.
Overall, I would recommend this to a younger audience, either late middle school or early high school. I myself, fall quite a bit out of that range and still enjoyed it.
Wonderland and the story in general (both the original and the retelling) are both so mad, that at times the whole story feels like a dream. The author does such a good job at crafting a story that could truly fit alongside the original tale but is still unique enough to be its own. It’s humorous, and witty, and I really enjoyed reading about all of the old characters, and meeting new characters.
I found the story did drag a little bit, and the beginning was difficult to get into. There was also a bit of romance, that I wasn’t a fan of, but overall it wasn’t really present enough to be a problem.
Overall, I would recommend this to a younger audience, either late middle school or early high school. I myself, fall quite a bit out of that range and still enjoyed it.
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