Monday, October 27, 2014

23 Of The Best Horror Movies You Can Watch On Netflix Right Now: Part 2

This is an update for my original post, titled the same (but with part 1 instead of 2).

Out of the original 23 movies, I had started off only with two viewed, and now, I have added a few more to that list: 

  • 3. Contracted
  • 4. You're Next
  • 5. Evil Dead 2
  • 7. World War Z
  • 8. Detention
  • 22. The Blair Witch Project
How Contracted made this list, is beyond me. It's a low-budget film with an odd plot, turning Zombie-ism into an STD that you can "contract" from your partners. It's unimaginable how this became a thought for a movie idea that ended in an actual film production, but nonetheless, I found myself asking if there was a sequel. And SURPRISE, SURPRISE, there isn't... BUT there will be. 

You're Next is a pretty typical horror film with a break-in, and family dysfunction. Nothing super special to talk about. Evil Dead 2 was horrible. Maybe if I was born in the 1980s, then I would have been able to look past all of the horrible graphic effects, and the terrible acting. 

World War Z was unsurprisingly good. With Brad Pitt in the cast, and the original novel flying off the shelves, it was almost impossible to turn this film into a bust. Combine that with the new take on Zombie infection along with the crazy creative take on the cure, and you have yourself a success. 

But the winner for today is: Detention
You'll go into this film with low hopes and expectations, and come out more impressed than you would have liked to. The film is set up almost to look like a spoof with tons of cliches and references to past movies. But, the stellar cast, the time travel (who ever heard of that in a horror movie?), and the outrageously funny scenes make this one for the books. I recommend this for the comedy lovers as well as the horror movie lovers, but not for the weak stomach-ers, because this movie starts off with the gore right in the beginning.  

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