Sunday, August 23, 2015

New Name, New Content

(This post does not effect any of my new readers)

Just in case you didn't read the words in parenthesis above, the rest of this post does not effect you if you haven't previously been reading my blog.

But for the one or two people who have...
My blog is going under yet another makeover. If you're keeping track, this is number...four. The most important changes are:

  1. The title. I've awkwardly changed the tile of my blog four times. From TASG (That Awkward and Spunky Girl), to Heather In Lilly, to From The View of MalMal, to finally Heather Too Real. Hopefully this one sticks. Which brings us to our next change...
  2. The content. In the past, the blog content has mostly stayed the same, but on a (four hour) drive home I decided that not enough people read this blog, or even know who I am, so what does it matter if I write the craziest things you've ever read. So, we're going to vamp this content up from a G or PG rating to PG-13ish. Which was the reason for the name change. I'm about to tell you all of the things you never wanted to know that goes on in a 20-something year olds mind. Good luck.
  3. Theme. At some point, I'll be finding a more real background and whatnot to reflect the change of content. The background right now doesn't really bother me, but one of these days I might change it. So just be prepared. Not that there's really anything to prepare for. 
  4. More Postings? I've been trying to publish a post at least once or twice a week. And THIS time I'm actually going to try harder. Mostly because I'm about to make this blog extra public, aka personal advertising will be happening. Once I get used to posting once or twice a week, I'll eventually amp it up to at least once a day, so that way if people get super bored, they can look through multiple postings and read about the ones they care about instead of just a once a week post that someone may not have even cared for. 
Anyways, I'm super excited. Mostly because I finally have Wifi. Yay! And because I had view on my blog this whole week, which was strange. 

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