Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Theory of Everything

Only about five bazillion months behind, but I finally saw The Theory of Everything. I don't know why I didn't see it when it first came out, because I remember watching the trailer about a month in advance and being OBSESSED with the movie and the title, and Eddie Redmayne. Because I mean, duh. But I started the movie on 8/21 and finally finished it tonight (8/22).

Why did it take me so long you might wonder to start watching it?
Because I'm horrendously infamous for crying in movies. I've cried in majority of the movies I've seen in the theaters. To the point when The Passion of the Christ came out about three lifetimes ago, my parents wouldn't let me go see it because they thought I would sob myself to death in the theaters. They were right by the way: when I finally saw it (in my room) I used an entire box of tissues. But, aside from the obviously sad things, I also cry during your typical Superhero film. First there's the people usually die aspect, then there's also the people band together and that's kind of happy sad too. So there you go...
Another reason I didn't go see it in the theaters was because my parents were the only people I knew who wanted to see it. And I was a state away....

But let's get to the important stuff here.

How was the movie?
Horribly horrible. I cried. I laughed. But that's not why I'm rating it horribly horrible. In fact, I would probably rate it horribly wonderful, EXCEPT the ending. I know this is based off of a true story, but I'm still just so upset with Jane. I mean, how could she? Why would she?
I don't want to spoil anything, but I just hate when endings turn out worse than expected. Everything was going so good, and then BOOM. Why?????????

I also want to make a small comment about the soundtrack.
I may not buy the DVD/Blu-Ray based off of the movie, but I might still buy the soundtrack. The soundtrack and the book both deserve more attention.
(Posted below will be a link to one of the best songs from the soundtrack.)

Arrival of the Birds

On a side note, if this is the first time you've heard the name "Eddie Redmayne," check yourself. He's beautiful. And a great actor. And for my younger readers "I ship him and me." Just saying. He's in a lot of good movies. I haven't seen all of them quite yet, but their on the list.
Check out:
Les Miserables (2012)
The Yellow Handkerchief (2008)

All three of these movies he play someone COMPLETELY different. Like... how is it possible that he still does a good job, no excels at acting?

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