Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Too Real Advice: How to Read More

The other day I received a question from a follower: How do you have the time to read?

  1. First ask yourself, are you reading the kind of material you want to read? Making yourself read a certain genre or a certain level of reading you're not comfortable with can slow your progress down A LOT. Find out the types of books you like to read, and find out specifically if there are any genres or sub-genres that you don't like to read. Personally, I know that certain writing styles, and books where the main character has WAY TOO MANY problems tend to irritate me.
  2. Bring your books with you everywhere. If you aren't bringing at least one ebook, or one audiobook with you EVERYWHERE then you're missing out Think of all the times you're sitting before appointments, on the train/bus, or just generally waiting for someone. 
  3. Do you have enough variety? Do you have enough different genres and sub-genres. But also are you switching it up between physical books, audiobooks, graphic novels, etc. 
  4. Manage your time better. How often do you waste on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Television, etc. I block off how much time I'm going to spend checking social media, and I try not to go over until I've read at least a chapter. And then I might reward myself by taking a social break. 
  5. Why do you need to read faster? Is it because your TBR is exploding? Or are there other reasons/motivations? Overall, reading should be fun. If you're enjoying the book why not savor it? 
Thanks for reading, and if you have any other questions or suggestions on how to read more, make sure to let everyone know!

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