Friday, June 3, 2016

The Real Life of A Graduating College Student

In exactly 106 days I will be graduating from the prettiest university in America. I don't know what you've heard about college students, especially at big universities: that we're partiers, that we take easy classes, that we don't care about anything, but you're wrong. 

The last semester of college (at least for me) is the hardest. It's all about the hardest classes you've ever taken in your life and endless applying. Applying for grad school, applying for internships, applying for part-time jobs, applying for full-time jobs, just applying for everything. Because there's only one worse thing than graduating (besides not graduating) and that's graduating without a plan. 

Sure seniors act crazy their last few semesters. We do all of the things we forgot to do while we were on campus: attending freshman events, occasionally drinking too much, and acting like we have no care in the world, but it's actually because we're drowning in homework, student debt, and too many decisions we don't want to make. 

So whatever you do, don't ask a senior how their day is, or what their plans are for the future. If they want to tell you, then they will. And try to remember that yes I am having fun, but no, I'm not taking it too far. 

It's been real. 

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