Wednesday, July 6, 2016


IOn the Fourth of July I was able to test out this new product by the creators of NyQuil. It has a similar name, ZzzQuil and is "just for sleep," as part of the slogan goes. 

I haven't been sleeping well thanks to my work hours being almost total opposite from my college hours and previous job hours. And so I decided to try something to help me out. 

The product says it only takes 20 minutes to work, so at a little after nine I took it and finished getting ready for bed. I was in bed by 9:30, and I was unable to sleep until well after 10:00. And then the next day, I got up a little before 6:00, and I felt beyond exhausted. My mom and I work a block away from each other, so luckily we carpool together. I fell asleep in her car (which is something I haven't done since my first week) and more than tired, I felt cranky when I got to work. 

I'm not going to say ZzzQuil works or doesn't work. Because honestly, I got one dose and I'll never know if other factors were in play. But for a sleep aid, it shouldn't matter. Because that why you take a sleep aid...for the other factors that keep you up at night. 

If you haven't tried out this new app, Influenster, then you're missing out. It's free to download and easy to use. Just honestly review products that you normally use and you'll be able to get products for free to test out. 
Disclosure: I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes and for honest reviews. 

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