Monday, December 17, 2018

Black Bolt, Vol. 1: Hard Time


's review

it was ok
bookshelves: 2018cliquesmangascience-fictionsuperheroes

Maybe this wasn’t my cup of tea, but I just didn’t see anything special about it?

The main character, Black Bolt, is heroic and acts mostly perfect throughout the whole story. He apparently has a bad past where he did something wrong, but in the story he doesn’t do anything wrong, is really powerful, and doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.

The plot, was kind of ehhh. A bunch of villains/prisoners band together and escape an evil prison. And that’s it. They basically have to fight a lot and then they’re out. 

The art also wasn’t my favorite. There were a few pages where the art was beautiful and I caught myself staring for longer than necessary, but a lot of it seemed lazy and rushed. There were MULTIPLE times where there just wasn’t any detail in the setting, or where a character’s face would not only have limited detail, but also be a completely different shape.

Overall, I found the story to be kind of boring, the characters difficult to connect with, and the art not so great.

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