Thursday, December 27, 2018

Plus One

Plus One by Elizabeth Fama 


Plus One follows a dystopian world in which after a crisis, the countries decide to divide their people into those that live in the day, and those that live in the night. Either a smudge, those who live in the night, or a day those who live in the day, everyone mostly goes along with it. Until the main character, a smudge, tries to go out in the day and she discovers many kept secrets about their lives and about her own family.

Plus One has an interesting concept that the author didn’t take too much time to delve out, instead going for the action and character development. While, I don’t fault her for taking that route, I am a little disappointed and I found myself wanting more after the story had ended. 

The main character, Sol, was annoying, but also fiercely loyal. And her love interest/partner-in-crime (literally) was the perfect book boyfriend. *sigh* While the whole book was filled to the brim with action and chase scenes and delving into conspiracies and secrets, I sometimes found myself reminding myself that all of this was happening because the main character wanted to steal a baby for her grandfather to hold/see. And it made the whole chasing and hiding seem silly if not stupid.

But overall, I found the book to be an engaging read and the romance not too heavy, but good enough that our appetites were whet. The characters were an equal balance of annoying and likable, and the writing was good.

**if you listen to the audiobook there are two songs, one an original song. And they were both pretty good, and added a lot to the overall production.

Hope everyone had a great holidays!

Its been real.

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