"All you need is love."
On June 26th, something very extraordinary happened, the United States officially passed a law that legalized two people of the same sex to get married in all fifty states.
Let's just stop and think about that for a moment.
The U.S. has come along way from ending segregation to the acceptance of people with different views and now FINALLY allowing people to marry who they choose.
I am a Christian.
I am straight.
But I am also a human and I believe in equality rights toward everyone. It does no harm to me if John wants to marry Jake (unless I thought I had a chance with Jake and now my little girl crush is over, but that's besides the point).
The point in all of this is not allowing someone to marry who they choose is like sitting there and ignoring that they are a person and that they have rights too.
So as a Christian woman, I would like to congratulate everyone on this newfound right and acceptance.
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