Welcome to being a cast member in QSR (quick service) at Walt Disney World.
The pay sucks.
Hardly any guest are ever in a good mood.
And the phrase "may I ask you a simple question" usually turns into three cast members, two managers, and a search of the whole park to find the answer with no satisfaction or "thank you."
But I LOVE it.
And I'll tell you why.
Because even when you're up to your elbows in fries, or tickets, or whatever it may be, there will always be The Guest Who Stands Out At The End of The Day. This guest is your shining light at the end of the tunnel. RIGHT when you're about to break down and yell at someone they show up.
And they are so overly grateful for everything you do, you're almost wondering if they're serious or not. Not to mention, they're smiling more than most of your co-cast members, AND their order is easy.
So here's a shoutout to the guests who make it possible for me to love getting yelled at.
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